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Additional dependency library support

Unlike third-party support, most of the functionality here is to install plug-ins or introduce CDN implementations, easily adapted by themes.

Word Count

Install hexo-wordcount

npm install hexo-wordcount
# or
yarn add hexo-wordcount
npm install hexo-wordcount
# or
yarn add hexo-wordcount

In the configuration file _config.async.yml:

  • count: Word count
  • time: Reading time
    enable: true
    count: true
    time: true
    enable: true
    count: true
    time: true


Install hexo-generator-feed

npm install hexo-generator-feed
# or
yarn add hexo-generator-feed
npm install hexo-generator-feed
# or
yarn add hexo-generator-feed

It can be configured in the social field of _config.async.yml, for example:

        - icon: fas fa-rss
          url: atom.xml
        - icon: fas fa-rss
          url: atom.xml

See the official documentation for more configuration (in _config.yml in the Hexo working directory).


Make sure your hexo-generator-index is 2.0.0 or above

The sticky property in Front Matter is set to the top. If the value is >0, the higher it is, the higher it will be; if the value is <0, the lower it will be.

title: xxx
sticky: 100
title: xxx
sticky: 100

Math Formula


Show some simple mathematical formulas in the article, implemented using KaTeX. For details, see documents.

It mainly adopts the way of CDN.

  • copy_tex: Copy KaTeX text, enabled by default
  • global: If you want to use it in the global page KaTeX, (such as an article summary on the home page), then you can open it. (Of course, this also means that your page has to load more resources each time.)
  • options: Options passed to the KaTeX renderer. Specific option reference here.
    copy_tex: true
    global: false
    options: {}
    copy_tex: true
    global: false
    options: {}

katex's library will only load if the article or page uses KaTeX, so you need to set it up if the article or header uses KaTeX. (When you enable global loading, you no longer need to set this option.)

title: xxx
katex: true
title: xxx
katex: true

Head of katex type can be a bool | object, if is object, the only options options have the effect, specific parameters and global Settings, and will be a merger with global Settings and replacement.

You can wrap the formula as follows.

In the following package, the formula will be displayed centered.

$$ E = mc^2 $$
\[ E = mc^2 \]
$$ E = mc^2 $$
\[ E = mc^2 \]

In the following package, the formula will be displayed in inline form.

$E = mc^2$
\( E = mc^2 \)
$E = mc^2$
\( E = mc^2 \)


注意,在 Markdown 文件中直接书写时,您需要多一个 \ 来转译 \。(或者使用 $E=mc^2$ 的方式)

使用 \\[ E = mc^2 \\] 而不是 \[ E = mc^2 \]

Note that you need an extra \ to translate \ when writing directly in Markdown files. (Or use $E=mc^2$)

Use \\[E = mc^2 \] instead of \[E = mc^2 \].

If you have too many characters that need to be translated, you can simply wrap it in HTML tags (internal characters will not be parsed as Markdown) instead of using multiple \ to translate.

For example:

<div>\[ E = mc^2 \]</div>
<div>\[ E = mc^2 \]</div>

Released under the SATA | MIT License.